The coaches genuinely care about each members wellbeing. Veni Vidi Vici fitness is way more than a gym. I can play with them without saying "mommy's too tired" and mostly I feel proud of the example I am setting for them. Now I can hold one in each arm with out a second guess. I use to be so out of breath and tired from just holding one of my kids for a few seconds. Now I can hold one in each arm with out a se. 3 months later and I AM ADDICTED!!! My fitness level is higher, I am stronger and more confident! The first day I felt so akward and out of place but I was welcomed and felt comforable in the facility's I love love love CrossFit veni vidi vici. I’ve never felt love like this at a gym before, or seen such results in a workout. If you’re working with old injuries the coaches take the time to modify for you. No matter your workout level, beginners or super advanced the workouts are tailored to your individual needs. I show up for an hour, turn my brain off, and do a killer workout. Now working out is absolutely my favorite part of the day. When they say it’s a family they mean it. I absolutely love going to CrossFit Veni Vidi Vici. When I first met Boris, the owner, he said to me “it’s an hour a day you don’t have to think” As a mom, a wife, and a business owner that simple statement appealed to me so much. I’d have to plan everyday which body part I needed to work and wonder if I was doing it correctly. To say joining this gym has changed my life is an understatement.

Highly recommend it here, love all the great attitudes and smiles Less I feel safe (from covid) here as all individual areas are taped off. The venue and equipment is very clean and organized, I love the playlists during the workouts, above all, I love that there are so many available class times. Everyone has been super helpful, very supportive, friendly, and patient. I am now in my 3rd week, I hadn’t worked out in a year, due to some injuries and discomforts, and I’m slowly getting back into a rhythm. Luckily I finally made the decision and chose this amazing place. I had pondered joining Cross Fit for a long time. The venue and equipment is very clean and organized, I love the playlists.

This could be your escape! Thank you CFVVV for this amazing atmosphere to grow! Less Challenge yourself to get in this gym you won’t be disappointed. I never in my life believed I could lift this weight! People of all different ages, backgrounds, and athletic ability attend, so don’t for a second feel discouraged to sign up, I feel SO good after every workout, and they hold you accountable if they notice you’ve been missing lol This place will get you pumped with awesome music, people, and a healthier YOU. Coach Glen has helped me grow from barley being able to do a lunge to knowing things like snatches, power cleans, overhead presses etc. Also know that your safety is their top priority! They even hold workshops for specific workouts to help with your technique. 6:30 p.m M-F and weekends run to 11, with kid classes available as well. You’ll have your own personal space to perform, and they have an awesome app that you can view what the workout of the day is! Which offers such variety. The coaches are outstanding, they can modify workouts to fit your level, and walk you through the movements. I’m even able to bring my 14 month old along with me in her stroller. I was so nervous to join, but as soon as I walked into those doors I felt welcomed, and right where I should be. I started my fitness journey about 4 months ago.